Insieme a Te collaborations

The Insieme a Te Association collaborates with institutions, other associations and structures to offer even broader and more complete support to people with disabilities and their families.

Alma Mater Studiorum

University of Bologna

The University of Bologna has very ancient origins that indicate it as the first university in the Western world. Its history is intertwined with that of great figures who worked in the field of science and literature and is an essential reference in the panorama of European culture.

Servizio Sanitario Regionale

Local Health Authority of Romagna

The Azienda USL della Romagna is one of the largest and most important social and health companies in Italy, with a production value of approximately 2.5 billion euros and over 16,000 employees, and is responsible for protecting the health of approximately 1,125,000 inhabitants living in the 75 municipalities of the provinces of Ravenna (RA), Forlì-Cesena (FC) and Rimini (RN).


Romagnolo Oncology Institute

The Romagnolo Oncology Institute was born from a belief: the fight against cancer can be won.
In addition to its commitment to building suitable places and their humanization for a real welcome for the patient, after its commitment to prevention and awareness, the IOR takes the field in the battle against tumors through the weapons of scientific research and clinical trials.

Istituto di Montecatone

Rehabilitation Hospital

Highly specialized center, national reference for the intensive rehabilitation of people affected by spinal cord injuries and acquired brain injuries.


Italian Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association

For more than 40 years, AISLA has been actively working throughout the country to support people with ALS and their families. It supports research, training, information and assistance. Its daily commitment is to ensure that the competent structures take adequate and qualified care of people with ALS.

Centro Clinico NeMO

NeurMuscular Omnicentre

The NeMO Clinical Centers are the reference network for the diagnosis, treatment, assistance and research on neuromuscular and neurodegenerative diseases, a home for those who need care and for those who accompany them.

Famiglie SMA

Parents for Spinal Muscular Atrophy Research

Famiglie SMA is an association that brings together loved ones and parents of those affected by Spinal Muscular Atrophy, family members and supporters. Founded in 2001, from the tenacity of a father, as a non-profit organization of social utility (ONLUS) for years on the front line to fight Spinal Muscular Atrophy, a rare genetic disease, it has grown to become a point of reference for doctors and scientific researchers and for all families of children and adults with SMA.


Italian Union for the Fight Against Muscular Dystrophy

Founded in August 1961 by Federico Milcovich, UILDM is the national reference association for people with dystrophies and other neuromuscular diseases and aims to:

PROMOTE the social inclusion of people with disabilities;
​PROMOTE scientific research and health information on progressive muscular dystrophies and other neuromuscular diseases.

The Association is synonymous with the right to study and work, to mobility and to the possibility of accessing leisure activities.


Home care services

Our goal is to provide the patient with the best possible service, in line with their health needs and with the latest news on the international health scene. Every day we work hard to create customized health paths, starting from information, passing through diagnostics and therapy and arriving at follow-up.


The National Institute of Social Security (INPS) is one of the largest and most complex social security institutions in Europe.

The presence of the Institute at Spiaggia dei Valori makes concrete the proximity of INPS to people with disabilities and the desire to listen to their needs and requirements in order to remove any obstacles that prevent the enjoyment of rights and to enhance inclusion and solidarity.