Regulations for access to the beach Insieme a Te

"Tutti al mare, nessuno escluso" project

These guidelines completely replace the previous regulations and are binding for all guests and their companions. The provisions outlined in these regulations comply with current health and safety regulations and specifically incorporate the Ordinance of the Emilia Region regarding beach setup and bathing safety.

1.  Organization of the Facility

“Insieme a Te Beach” has 18 designated stations set up under gazebos, spaced according to regional legislation. These stations are reserved for individuals with total motor disabilities (tetraplegia) and/or with outcomes from neurodegenerative diseases (such as ALS and similar conditions), along with their companions, up to a maximum of 2. Any additional companions may use the umbrellas and sunbeds adjacent to the stations.

Part of the gazebos is equipped with retractable tents to ensure privacy during changing. The structure also includes two accessible bathrooms reserved for guests and provides various aids for bathing. All services and the entire structure are treated according to hygiene guidelines.

During opening hours, coordination and management personnel are present, informed about health safety protocols. The beach is open to the public from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM, while the volunteer service is active from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM and from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM.

Services at the “Insieme a Te Beach” are free, except for sunbeds and umbrellas for relatives and friends beyond the two companions. Anti-decubitus mattresses are available for guests who are completely bedridden.

2.  Booking Procedures

Booking a station is mandatory and can only be done via phone at 3248255263. General information can be requested via email at:

When booking, operators will request information about health status and assistance needs to identify the most suitable station and aids for the guest, and will direct them to a web app for booking.

At the time of booking, operators will inform the guest of the available time slots for the requested days. If the structure is already full, operators may suggest alternative days or times.

For requests exceeding the available stations, a waiting list will be activated based on the order of booking. In case of cancellations, the waiting list will be processed through phone calls from the operators on duty.

The criterion used by organizers in managing bookings is to allow the maximum number of guests access to the sea.

By accepting these regulations, the guest commits to demonstrating the necessary flexibility to make “Insieme a Te Beach” accessible to as many people as possible.

3.  Cancellations

If a guest has made a reservation and cannot attend, they must promptly communicate this via phone to free up the station for other guests. Failure to notify of an absence causes inconvenience to other guests, and such behavior may jeopardize the acceptance of future bookings.

The Association reserves the right to revoke confirmed reservations at its sole discretion in the event of adverse weather conditions (e.g., strong winds, thunderstorms, rain) or other unforeseen events that may endanger individuals or the condition of the premises. Such cancellations will be promptly communicated by phone.

4.  Access

At the time of booking, all necessary conditions for welcoming the guest and their companion will be communicated.

On the day of the reservation, the guest will be contacted to confirm and set the exact arrival time. All required conditions for accessing the facility will also be communicated.

A – Access by Vehicle

After parking the vehicle in the reserved space, guests will wait for the CDS (Beach Coordinator) for reception. The vehicle will then be moved to an adjacent parking area dedicated to the facility.

If there are no issues, the guest and companion will access the designated station.

B – Access on Foot from a Nearby Residence or for More Autonomous Guests

Upon arrival at the entrance of the facility, guests will be greeted by the CDS, who will accompany them to their assigned station.

If situation A cannot proceed smoothly due to space constraints or unfavorable conditions, the CDS will proceed as described in point B.

The station has been previously set up and sanitized. Dispenser stations for hand sanitizer and masks will be available for guests.

Guests requiring assisted ventilation or PEG must come to the facility with adequate assistance and all necessary equipment and accessories for their therapy (cf. point 5).

At the first access, the coordination staff will have each guest and companion fill out a form that includes a privacy notice and a release for the use of images.

Guests and their companions are required to remain in their assigned areas and avoid gatherings. Access to the offices is not permitted.

Failure to correctly utilize the assigned spaces or engaging in behavior harmful to the facility and other guests will result in immediate removal from the premises.

5.  Access to the Sea

Every morning, after confirming the arrival of guests, the CDS (Beach Coordinator) prepares a suggested order for access to the sea for bathing. This order is confirmed in real-time with guests and companions and may be subject to changes agreed upon between the organization and the interested parties.

The aim is to allow the maximum number of guests to enter the water. Depending on the number of operators, the duration of each guest’s stay in the water will vary.

Once the descent into the water is confirmed, the companion/assistant prepares the guest for bathing in the sea according to their competence and ability.

The CDS will identify the VD (Dedicated Volunteer) (one or more).

If necessary, they will complete the preparation together with the companion, using appropriate aids to transfer the guest to the chosen support (such as sun loungers, beach chairs, etc.).

The guest will be repositioned on the support.

To simplify the lifting and repositioning operations, these actions should ideally take place in deeper water to take advantage of buoyancy, making the process less strenuous and more efficient.


There will be outdoor showers and one indoor shower available, with complete dividers to ensure privacy at specific stations.

In general, the companion/assistant should be able to manage this phase independently after the guest has been taken to the shower.

After the shower, the surfaces will be cleaned and disinfected.


(Note that restrooms represent the highest risk area for contact infection transmission.)

  • Each restroom must be equipped with a hand sanitizer dispenser attached to the wall or on a freestanding support.
  • Each restroom must have a spray disinfectant for surfaces available for users.
  • After use, the restroom will be cleaned/disinfected.
  • At least twice daily, all surfaces will be thoroughly cleaned, removing all objects or materials present (restroom surfaces should generally be completely clear of any items), followed by sanitation using a disinfectant (such as ethanol, sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide, or similar) and finally closed. If there are periods of higher restroom usage, an immediate additional sanitation will be scheduled.


When the guest intends to leave the facility or when the scheduled closing time is reached, the cleaning of the station will commence.

A volunteer, with supervisory and assistance functions, will follow the various stages that the guest and their companion will go through:

  • Preparation and dressing of the guest.
  • Arranging any transport support.
  • Collecting all materials and items brought by the guest.
  • Disposal of all waste according to regulations.
  • Accompanying the guest to their vehicle and providing assistance with exiting the beach.

6.  User Responsibilities

Booking, made in accordance with the provisions of Article 2, implies the commitment of the requester to fully and completely respect this regulation. Subject to legal provisions on the matter, the requester is also directly responsible for their family members, guests, and minors belonging to these entities.

Guests of the facility must sign the so-called “responsibility agreement,” a registry for entry and exit, and a liability waiver.

Users are required to exercise maximum care and attention in safeguarding their belongings, which should not be left unattended. The “Insieme a Te” Association is not responsible for any theft or loss.

Each user is directly responsible for ensuring their own safety and that of others during activities carried out at the facility. Special attention should be paid to ensure that the activities performed do not cause harm or injury to oneself or others. Any damage caused by users to materials and infrastructure will be charged to the responsible parties.

7.  Miscellaneous

The Association reserves the right to modify this Regulation at any time. It will be displayed at the entrance of the beach and disseminated through its communication channels to ensure a better use of the facility for everyone.